Financial Planning expert Nick Hopwood, CFP® and Jim Pilat, AIF® talk about the 403b investment landscape, focusing on a NYT article from a few years back. Fortunately we have arrangements with non-profit institutions such as Universities, school districts, and hospitals which all us to represent employees such as teachers, professors, doctors, and nurses with their 403b accounts at investment companies such as Fidelity and TIAA-CREF.  If you're looking for a second opinion on your workplace 403b account, please give us a call at 734-681-7575.

Peak Wealth Management is not affiliated with any non-profit or Fidelity or TIAA-CREF. 

Peak Wealth Management is a financial advisor located in Plymouth, MI. We believe by providing education and guidance, we inspire our clients to make great decisions putting them on a path toward fulfillment and their own definition of true wealth.