Critical Race Theory (CRT) has been used as a catch-all for "diversity" and confrontation of racism in the United States. Most people rejecting it have no idea what CRT is and isn't, have spent no time actually reading about it from people who actually know what it is. In this episode, we'll explore, at a high level, what CRT is and isn't, and how this framework, well, functions in ID'ing and assessing functional racism in American society. 

Critical Race Theory (CRT) has been used as a catch-all for "diversity" and confrontation of racism in the United States. Most people rejecting it have no idea what CRT is and isn't, have spent no time actually reading about it from people who actually know what it is. In this episode, we'll explore, at a high level, what CRT is and isn't, and how this framework, well, functions in ID'ing and assessing functional racism in American society.