There once was a man from Coverville who was widely known as the nicest guy in podcasting. But seriously Brian is one of the nicest guys I have ever met. We have walked through casinos in Vegas with random strangers recognizing him. He always gives a moment of his time to everyone who asks and I find that admirable. As I get to know him better I find out he was originally a wedding DJ, then we take a walk down memory lane reminiscing about the old tech we used to play with. Before we get done he tells me stories of friendly rivalries and we discussed how one can stay grounded as we grow in the public eye.

I had such a great conversation really diving into only taking on the jobs that empower your passion projects. On that note, we talk about taking on projects that were not right for us vs the ones that we were made for. Karma is a thing and what you put out you get back. Brian seems to always want to encourage people, recognize there value, and in general make the world a better place. I am still working on this every day taking one step at a time away from anger and more into loving what is and what can be. Bringin the work/project/life balance more into focus has brought my path to greatness into focus as well. We leave the conversation giving the advice that the best skill to learn is recognizing when the time is right to fill in the blanks. 

It was a great conversation and as is a theme with this series, there are always so many more stories to be told. I always love hanging out with Brian and I am sure you will also.

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Ary By: Emily Swan

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