What can I say about Brian D Bradley that can show my love for him? This man never fails to impress me. You can look up his IMDB for his impressive writing, directing, acting, and producing credits fo sho. But that’s not why I want to talk to him. If you were to meet Brian in real life you would be struck by his warmth, humor, and humility. I met him through his awesome wife (and top-notch human being) Audrey Kearns at Dragon Con and that story gets told in this episode.

We run through the gamut of growing up in big family’s, fishing, views on the institution of marriage, and how he views human beings. What I learned from Brian is how we all learn from our families, we truly create from what we know, and I get some insight on how to parent my middle kids better. We get into how as human beings we are never just one thing. How we have to find a balance between working the grind and chasing the dream. So much beautiful happened here in this conversation and I can’t wait to talk with him again.

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Ary By: Emily Swan

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