A few words from Adam... I was born in Maine, didn’t live there for long before my parents figured out that it was too bloody cold and moved south, all the way to Massachusetts. Grew up there and in Connecticut, lived in Maryland and Indiana for a while before moving back to Maine. Lived there for twenty years before I, too, decided the winters were too long. Of course, where do you to get away from long winters? COLORADO! Naturally. Married to a wonderful, inspirational, supportive woman; between us we have five kids, five dogs, and five cats.

As for my writing, well, I’ve thrown a bunch out onto Amazon. There’s a couple Sherlock Holmes stories, a few horror-ish shorts, and then you get to my longer books: Refuge, a time-traveling take on vampire stories, and The Cassidy Chronicles. Triumph’s Ashes is the fifth book in the series and completes the Artemis War story arc.

Find him here: Facebook: www.facebook.com/adamgaffenauthor www.facebook.com/groups/fansofadamgaffen Instagram: www.instagram.com/adamgaffen Website: https://cassidychronicles.com Amazon Author Page: https://amazon.com/adam-gaffen/e/b009qmiw3k YouTube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCMUOUwLc44PRcNVUvduMy0Q