Bruno Martins Soares writes fiction  since he was 12 years old, and his first book, 'O Massacre' (The  Massacre), a collection of short stories, came out in Portugal in 1998.

It was followed by several contributions to newspapers, magazines, and other collective books.

In  1996, he won the National Young Creators Award for Writing,  representing Portugal at the 1997 Torino Young Creators of Europe and  the Mediterranean Fair, where his short-story 'Mindsweeper' was  translated and published in Italian.

His first novel  'A Saga de Alex 9' (The Alex 9 Saga) was published in Portugal in 2012,  by publisher Saída de Emergência, within a series that features authors  like George R.R.Martin or Bernard Cornwell. The Portuguese version of  'The Dark Sea War Chronicles' (A Batalha da Escuridão) was published by  Editorial Divergência.

He worked in Project  Development for Television and was a journalist and a communications, HR  and management consultant before settling as a writer. He was also an  international correspondent in Portugal for Jane's Defense Weekly and a  researcher for The Washington Post. He wrote several plays and short and  full-length pictures' screenplays, and he wrote and produced  English-spoken Castaway Entertainment's full-length feature film  'Regret', distributed in the USA and Canada in 2015. He lives and works  in Lisbon.

He now writes under two different  'brands': Bruno Martins Soares for scifi/fantasy and B.Martins Soares  for more literary/realistic literature. Follow him on Amazon at