.    And it's the Saturday edition of Finding the Funny, which means I'll be giving you a tip to find the funny yourself! I've written for everyone from the Tonight Show to radio, and syndicated cartoon strips, so I can show you how.


So here's your 60 second tip. If you want to find humor fast, look in the news! I started out writing topical jokes about topics in the news. Things change so fast that I couldn't keep doing news jokes in my act – I mean you can't still be telling lorana bobbit jokes these days. But there are lots of news items that you can use to find humor if you just need to kick off a speech.


And the good thing about news items is, they come back around. There will always be a drunk actor misbehaving or a congressman caught in an affair. So you can just change the names and re-use them. And some news outlets like USA Today, write their articles so that they practically give you the set up line . . . all you have to do is come up with the punchline. I just looked today and found the line "Church volunteer allegedly stole over $500K to fund 'lavish lifestyle' of shopping, cars." Just take the beginning of the story – Church Volunteer stole over $500K to fund . . ." and then make up something funny she could have funded. It's easy.


The news is full of already made set-up lines. Save yourself some time and use them. Check out tomorrow's joke about a movie that is long since past, but I've been able to use the joke for years just by taking out the name of the movie!


If you want more fast tips on coming up with humor in your communications, then check out my book on Amazon – Finding the Funny Fast. It's how to create quick humor to connect with clients, coworkers and crowds.


That's it for today. Take care and enjoy your journey.