I've opened for some big name celebrities – comedians and singers. Usually things are good, but sometimes things are a little chaotic. I once opened for a famous singer, and it was confusion and disorientating backstage. . . nobody knew what was going on and nobody would give me the time of day. When I was sent out on stage, without any introduction or anything, I immediately realized that I wasn't there to warm the crowd up, I was there to settle them down. Because as much confusion as there was backstage, there was more in show room. Nobody was listening to me. . .they were too busy getting food and drinks and settling themselves in for the main act. This had all the makings of a horrible 30 minute for me.

This week we're talking about handling mistakes, and even though this mistake wasn't of my own doing, it was still not going well. How did I handle this? Well, I realized that no one was paying attention to me, so I had fun and pretended that I was doing my HBO special. I walked around the stage and gestured largely. Anyone watching me would've thought I was nuts. But I'm pretty sure no one was watching me. So I just had fun with it.

So the next time things aren't going well, and you can't stop it, try to make it interesting to you. At least you'll come out with a good story and maybe a funny memory.

If you're looking for something funny, check out my youtube page – jan mcinnis and see some of my videos. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgujEuaycVPdaTKtJjvmV0g?view_as=subscriber

That's it for today. Take care and enjoy your journey.