Previous Episode: Memory Techniques Part-2
Next Episode: Memory Techniques Part-4

Tip 3.  I always kick off my corporate comedy shows with a few jokes about the group to connect with them instantly. At my first big event I was in front of 500 mushroom growers in Las Vegas. Their biggest competitor had bought up a dozen mushroom farms, over extended himself, and went out of business. The group was happy about that – more business for them! I had written new jokes about it to kick off the show. So I hopped on stage and immediately . . . blanked. I couldn't remember any of the new the jokes. Luckily I had a set list – one word reminders for these new jokes. I looked down and saw the words – casino bankrupt, and that qued my brain on the joke. 


I said the joke, and it rocked the room. This week I'm talking about memory techniques, and todays memory tip is to have a 1 or 2 word reminder. Comedians and other entertainers call it a set list; it's just a word or two that triggers your memory of the thing. . .or in this case the joke. 


So if you need to remember something, come up with a word that's linked to it. When you look at the word, you'll remember what you want to say. Pick your word carefully too. I could write “doctors” if the joke is about doctors performing a heart bypass. But if I’m having trouble remembering “bypass,” then I use that word instead. It reminds me of the joke and the word I can't remember. 


And what was that casino mushroom joke? I said I was talking to a dealer last night, and he told me that the only other way you can lose money in Vegas faster than the craps table is if you bought up a dozen mushroom farms. You may not think it's funny, but the place went nuts!


ACTION:  If you want to add some mushroom humor, or any other kind of humor to your communications, check out my book on Amazon Finding the Funny Fast – How to Create Quick Humor to Connect with Clients, Coworkers and Crowds. It's on Amazon.


That's it for today. Take care and enjoy your journey.