I do a lot of work humor so my website is Work lady.com and sometimes I'm introduced at events as the work lady. But a few times I've been introduced as the Working Girl. That's a whole other profession. People are wondering what kind of entertainment they hired.


And my knee jerk reaction is to correct them before I start getting offers. But really there are other choices. I can ignore it. . .which is what I do if I don't have much time on stage. Just move on and presume they'll forget. I can correct it . . .if it's really bad and I don't mind alienating the person who gave me the introduction. Because correcting them in public will alienate them.  Or I can have fun with it and come up with something witty to kick off the conversation. Hey working girl was my last job. . . I'm now a comedian.


We're talking this week about getting introductions. And my tip today - Remember - when you get a bad introduction, ask yourself what is your goal for is this introduction. Do you really need to correct it? You have a choice.


ACTION:  I'm the Master of Ceremonies at a lot of events, so I introduce people all the time. I've got a great article on how to be a great Master of Ceremonies.  If you ever need to emcee something, you'll want to read this. Send me an email and I'll send it to you. [email protected]


That's it for today. Take care and enjoy your journey.