Many moons ago, I was offered a gig to dress up as Hillary Clinton but instead of wearing a pantsuit, the client wanted me to wear a tight leather outfit and carry a whip. Yeah, this was a serious offer, but he didn't tell me what the event was, because I said no pretty quickly. I've impersonated celebrities before, but the leather and the whip were over the top.

Saying no to that gig was an easy decision. But sometimes we're asked to do things, and there's a little more grey area. This week's topic is how to make decisions. My move from the corporate world into the comedy world, presented me with a lot of decisions that I had never had to even thing about before, so sometimes making a decision was hard. How did I make decisions about these things?


My first tip is one I got from my buddy comedian Frank King and I've used it for years. He said to close my eyes and pretend that I said yes and then pretend that I said no. Pay attention to how I feel when I say yes versus no. If I get bummed out when I say no, then it's probably something I'd like to do, but if I get stressed when I say yes, then it probably isn't. Try this, it really, really works.


Your action item for today. . . tackle a decision that you're not sure about and use the yes versus no method. Then make the decision and move on.

That's it for today. Take care and enjoy your journey.