Previous Episode: Benefits of Humor, part 3

Some people are saying that we see 5000 ads a DAY. That's crazy, but it might not be too far off the mark. There is advertising everywhere from baseball fields to bathroom stalls. We may not read all of it conscientiously but it's in front of us.


My tips this week are on the benefits of using humor, and today's tip is – use humor in your message because everyone else is doing it and people expect it. I know your mom said that's not a good reason to do something just because everyone else is doing something, but in business it is. First of all, you have to find a way to stand out among the noise. If you have a boring message, you won't stand out against all the other people using humor. And secondly, people kind of expect it. Everything is entertaining these days, and entertaining messages are getting to be the norm. So if you want people to read or hear yours, you should be entertaining too . . .by using a little humor.


So if you aren't doing so already, go ahead and add humor to your message now so you don't get lost in the crowd.


That's it for today.


This is Jan. Take care and enjoy your journey.