A nostalgic, classic Americana pervades the Unknown, the liminal realm where forgotten stories go. And what could be more American than tearing down a magical forest to build a monument to capitalism that will be profitable for about 30 years? It's not exactly paradise, but we're paving it anyway! For MONEY! USA! USA! USA!

Adam made an appearance in The Crucible of Fate, a D&D 5e actual play game show where players bravely compete against each other in deadly games and contests! Will our boy make it? What will happen to our boy? Find out below! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L9zn-0Pc3XQ

Discord (“Marowlyn Monrowl”): https://discord.gg/Y5Uw6sdmU2

Email: [email protected]

Bluesky: @monsterrightpod.bsky.social (Invite-only. Message us for a code!)