As we look forward to happier, brighter 2021, check out Russ Harris' book The Happiness Trap: How to Stop Struggling and Start Living.  There is light at the end of the tunnel, yet we are still in the tunnel.  One year into the pandemic, and where do we stand with our kids?  Are we doing a good job?  How do we talk to our kids about current events.   How do we keep communication open, while protecting them at the same time?  An open, honest conversation about the reality of parenting in the pandemic.  Signs to watch for and steps we can take to help our kids, and ourselves as we continue to navigate where we are and look forward to coming out the other side.  Its ok to not be ok!  Visit for additional articles and parental tools.  When your child gives you a hug, never be the first one to let go! or Etsy Shop