In this episode, let us introduce you to one of Cebu's hidden gems, Miss Nikki Lim! 

You know that one friend who's just skilled and gifted from the get-go? She's one of them. A competitive swimmer, dancer, a volunteer member of the Coast Guard, and a budding chef (if she wanted to). Nikki's done it all, and we barely scratched the surface. 

In the name of public service, she is a practicing lawyer by day and rules the city's dance floors as a club DJ by night.

Her next move? She'll never tell. One thing is certain: the world is her oyster! 


Takeaways from this episode:  
1. Time is your best weapon. Use it wisely.  
2. Knowledge in whatever shape or form will always be power.  
3. Turn your hobby or passion into another stream of income.