Dr. Bobbi Peterson- a visionary dentist, entrepreneur, and advocate who is changing the game in oral healthcare. Driven by a passion for improving healthcare access and empowering underrepresented communities, Dr. Bobbi is blazing trails in the industry.

As the inventor of the first electric toothbrush, Big Mouth Toothbrush, created by a Black woman, Dr. Bobbi has made history in the dental industry. Her groundbreaking invention has revolutionized oral healthcare and made it easier than ever for people to take care of their teeth.

But Dr. Bobbi's impact doesn't stop there. As the owner of Aces Braces, a dental practice in Brooklyn, New York, and Philadelphia, PA, she is committed to providing top-quality oral healthcare to everyone who walks through her doors. Her practice is dedicated to providing affordable and accessible care to all, regardless of background or socioeconomic status.

As an advocate, Dr. Bobbi is passionate about bridging the gap in oral healthcare access for disenfranchised communities of color. She knows that good oral health is essential to overall wellness and is committed to making sure that everyone has access to the care they need to thrive.

Through her tireless advocacy and influence, Dr. Bobbi is making a real difference in the lives of those who need it most. Her work is improving oral health and healthcare access and creating a brighter, more equitable future for all. Join Dr. Bobbi on her mission to create a world where everyone has access to the care they need to live their best lives.

Dr. Bobbi's groundbreaking work has caught the attention of major media outlets across the country, including Shark Tank, Good Morning America, Forbes, Fox News, and News12BK. Her appearance on Shark Tank was a pivotal moment, where she wowed the judges and landed a lucrative deal. She's been recognized by Forbes as one of the top entrepreneurs in the dental industry, and featured by Fox News and News12BK for her advocacy work. Dr. Bobbi's media presence has made her a leading voice in the dental industry, inspiring others with her commitment to innovation, accessibility, and social responsibility.
