Meet Mz Skittlez, the ultimate GIRL BOSS. She's a tenacious business owner with an unapologetic work ethic who knows what she wants and goes after it. After building a multimillion-dollar business and losing it, Skittlez bounced back and got it right back. As the owner of The Icing Agency, one of the most notable marketing agencies, and the founder of Bakery Cowork in Atlanta, the US's largest female-owned co-working space, Skittlez is dedicated to empowering female entrepreneurs. Her multi-use space, The Bakery Co., offers over 15k sq ft of potential, weekly events, and monthly celebrity-driven festivities, full event spaces, and photo studios, providing women with the tools they need to succeed. Through her own experiences of overcoming business struggles, Skittlez ensures that members meet their professional and personal goals, gaining knowledge and self-confidence along the way. Join her mission to show young female entrepreneurs the rewards of finding their place amongst the right people and brands.