Eliana Batsakis is a fashion designer, artist, and “world-builder” based in Cincinnati, OH. She thrives in the space where costume and fashion intersect and play. Often told she “laughs at everything,” Eliana brings joy and humor into each of her collections. Batsakis is a freelancing fashion designer and creative director - very much enjoying collaborative work between artists.

While attending the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Eliana earned multiple recognitions from the CFDA. Upon graduating in 2021, she was given a designer profile on CFDA's Runway360 platform and showed independently on sponsorship with Atlantic City Fashion Week. She was most recently seen competing on Netflix's fashion competition series: Next in Fashion, Season 2, which premiered in March 2023.

Eliana currently enjoys soul-fulfilling work in her free time that gives back to the community. She recently completed a mural project at the Cincinnati International Airport with ArtWorks Cincinnati, leading a team of youth apprentices. Eliana hopes to continue to tie together her interests in community service, story-telling, and design in future projects. She is currently working on starting her own brand as well as a nonprofit arts organization, The Ghostlight Stage Company, with her sister, Alyssa, based in Cincinnati, Ohio."
