Todays  hero walked alongside this nation, in its infancy, for forty years.

He was considered one of the greatest warriors of all time and 

yet he hated war and wished it outlawed forever.

He defeated the greatest King of his time—then was urged to become a King himself.

Instead he retired, and became a humble farmer.

And thus the very King he defeated called him…

“The Greatest Man of the Last Hundred Years.”

Napoleon Bonaparte called him,

“The Greatest Man of the Last Millennium”

He was “The Father of Our Country”

“First in War, First in Peace, First in our Hearts..

“The indispensable Man” he is George Wahsington

And our second Hero was…

George’s adopted daughter,   

America’s first female Ambassador.

She played seven musical instruments,

spoke five languages, she was strong, feisty, intelligent, 

mischievous and the living joy of Mount Vernon,

an inspiring Woman every young lady should look up to…

Eleanor Parke Custis Washington, known as 

“Nelly” in George and Martha’s hearts.

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