This is a great conversation on how faith might grow, not because we have it mentally sorted or we’re traveling from emotional high to emotional high, but because we practice particular habits. Jen Pollock Michel joins me to talk about habit, corporate practices of faith, and how we might explore the bible with others (for those who believe and those who don’t — including ourselves at times).

Jen’s latest book, A Habit Called Faith
Jen’s website to check out her other work:
Follow Jen on Twitter or Instagram
Book mentioned, One to One Bible Reading
You can listen to Jen’s episodes on Finding Holy about finding home in a big city (Episode 3), and an Advent series we did together beginning on Episode 28.

Think of one of the small habits you already have — like doing a load of laundry or going on a daily walk — and consider what sort of habit of faith you might add to it. Maybe you talk to a friend on your walk about spiritual matters, or listen to scripture being read as you fold laundry. Find ways to attach a faith habit to the habits you already have.
Tag me at @aahales on Twitter or Instagram to let me know what works for you.

Your listenership helps good conversations happen! If you’ve found this episode helpful and encouraging, please share it with a friend! Leaving a review on iTunes helps keep the conversations going.

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This is a great conversation on how faith might grow, not because we have it mentally sorted or we’re traveling from emotional high to emotional high, but because we practice particular habits. Jen Pollock Michel joins me to talk about habit, corporate practices of faith, and how we might explore the bible with others (for those who believe and those who don’t — including ourselves at times).


Jen’s latest book, A Habit Called Faith

Jen’s website to check out her other work:

Follow Jen on Twitter or Instagram

Book mentioned, One to One Bible Reading

You can listen to Jen’s episodes on Finding Holy about finding home in a big city (Episode 3), and an Advent series we did together beginning on Episode 28.


Think of one of the small habits you already have — like doing a load of laundry or going on a daily walk — and consider what sort of habit of faith you might add to it. Maybe you talk to a friend on your walk about spiritual matters, or listen to scripture being read as you fold laundry. Find ways to attach a faith habit to the habits you already have.

Tag me at @aahales on Twitter or Instagram to let me know what works for you.


Your listenership helps good conversations happen! If you’ve found this episode helpful and encouraging, please share it with a friend! Leaving a review on iTunes helps keep the conversations going.

*links to Amazon are affiliate links

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