In this conversation with Irwyn Ince, we talk about race, a theology of beauty, unity and diversity, how to communicate on sticky topics online, and what hope we have for this moment in time. Not to be missed!
Join us for Season 4 as we consider hot-button issues alive and well in our world today: Living Faithfully in an Upside-Down World.

Irwyn’s website:
Irwyn’s book, The Beautiful Community:
Book mentioned: On Beauty and Being Just:

“All beauty has God as its source. All beauty is derived beauty.” @irwyn @aahales #findingholypodcast
"God is in himself unity in diversity as Father, Son and Holy Spirit." @irwyn @aahales #findingholypodcast
“We ought to pursue unity in diversity across lines of difference. We ought to talk about reunification of the human race in Jesus Christ. As a part of that we need to honest about the things that have caused our divides.” @irwyn @aahales #findingholypodcast
“There’s no ‘out clause’ on loving my neighbor. And I don’t get to say, ‘You’re not a neighbor.’” @irwyn @aahales #findingholypodcast
“There is no risk-free way to engage in these issues. That’s why we should be grateful for the means of grace.” @irwyn @aahales #findingholypodcast

Spend less time on social media this week.
In a polarized world with fear and hate spewed on the Internet, a breath prayer helps orient you. Practice a breath prayer as you open social media this week. Lord Jesus Christ (breathe in), Have mercy on me, a sinner (breathe out). Then pray for the Spirit to guide you into love — rather than fear — as you interact online.

We’d love it if you could subscribe to the Finding Holy Podcast and tell your friends! This whole season we’ll be talking with pastors, theologians, activists, professors and how we live right now with this confluence of a pandemic, racism, uncertainty and a partisan culture.

In this conversation with Irwyn Ince, we talk about race, a theology of beauty, unity and diversity, how to communicate on sticky topics online, and what hope we have for this moment in time. Not to be missed!

Join us for Season 4 as we consider hot-button issues alive and well in our world today: Living Faithfully in an Upside-Down World.


Irwyn’s website:

Irwyn’s book, The Beautiful Community:

Book mentioned: On Beauty and Being Just:


“All beauty has God as its source. All beauty is derived beauty.” @irwyn @aahales #findingholypodcast

"God is in himself unity in diversity as Father, Son and Holy Spirit." @irwyn @aahales #findingholypodcast

“We ought to pursue unity in diversity across lines of difference. We ought to talk about reunification of the human race in Jesus Christ. As a part of that we need to honest about the things that have caused our divides.” @irwyn @aahales #findingholypodcast

“There’s no ‘out clause’ on loving my neighbor. And I don’t get to say, ‘You’re not a neighbor.’” @irwyn @aahales #findingholypodcast

“There is no risk-free way to engage in these issues. That’s why we should be grateful for the means of grace.” @irwyn @aahales #findingholypodcast


Spend less time on social media this week.

In a polarized world with fear and hate spewed on the Internet, a breath prayer helps orient you. Practice a breath prayer as you open social media this week. Lord Jesus Christ (breathe in), Have mercy on me, a sinner (breathe out). Then pray for the Spirit to guide you into love — rather than fear — as you interact online.


We’d love it if you could subscribe to the Finding Holy Podcast and tell your friends! This whole season we’ll be talking with pastors, theologians, activists, professors and how we live right now with this confluence of a pandemic, racism, uncertainty and a partisan culture.