Don’t you long for your life to feel seamless — not boxed into categories or feelings? This lovely conversation with the brilliant and kind Steven Garber is one step in the right direction.
Join us as we talk about place, spiritual disciplines, family stories, and the invitation to live an integrated, whole life.

LISTEN ON APPLE PODCASTS, GOOGLE PODCASTS and MEGAPHONE.FM or your favorite podcast-listening app.

Steven’s most recent book, The Seamless Life (available on ebook now from Amazon and InterVarsity Press, and in paperback now from IVP (Amazon will catch up later).
Steve’s book, Visions of Vocation
Simone Weil, “Reflections of the Right Use of School Studies with a View to the Love of God”
Get your FREE PANDEMIC ANCHORING POINTS from Ashley here (including Holy Week at Home).
Worksheet on vocation

“When the day of the Lord comes, even the cooking pots will be called holy to the Lord.” Steven Garber on vocation and a seamless life on #findingholypodcast
The task of the Christian student is to learn to pay attention. Steven Garber on #findingholypodcast
“We live off of our eschatological commitments whatever they are.” Steven Garber and @aahales on #findingholypodcast
“To see the questions behind my work, was my father’s prayer each day.” Steven Garber on #findingholypodcast
We need to hold together more honestly and truthfully what we believe to be true about the future and how we live today. Steven Garber on the #findingholypodcast with @aahales.
We’re feeling the curse of anonymity. It’s not a good thing for the human heart to be unknown. Steven Garber on #findingholypodcast

Take a sheet of paper and make a cross in it with four sections: work, rest, play and worship. Free associate. What do you love? What elements in each speak to you? Write them down. You can make it easy by downloading and printing a sheet right here (
Then circle the words or phrases that continually crop up. You’ll find a few answers to how God’s made you and how you can even find some solace during this pandemic.

We’d love it if you could subscribe to the Finding Holy Podcast and tell your friends!
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Don’t you long for your life to feel seamless — not boxed into categories or feelings? This lovely conversation with the brilliant and kind Steven Garber is one step in the right direction.

Join us as we talk about place, spiritual disciplines, family stories, and the invitation to live an integrated, whole life.

LISTEN ON APPLE PODCASTS, GOOGLE PODCASTS and MEGAPHONE.FM or your favorite podcast-listening app.


Steven’s most recent book, The Seamless Life (available on ebook now from Amazon and InterVarsity Press, and in paperback now from IVP (Amazon will catch up later).

Steve’s book, Visions of Vocation

Simone Weil, “Reflections of the Right Use of School Studies with a View to the Love of God

Get your FREE PANDEMIC ANCHORING POINTS from Ashley here (including Holy Week at Home).

Worksheet on vocation


“When the day of the Lord comes, even the cooking pots will be called holy to the Lord.” Steven Garber on vocation and a seamless life on #findingholypodcast

The task of the Christian student is to learn to pay attention. Steven Garber on #findingholypodcast

“We live off of our eschatological commitments whatever they are.” Steven Garber and @aahales on #findingholypodcast

“To see the questions behind my work, was my father’s prayer each day.” Steven Garber on #findingholypodcast

We need to hold together more honestly and truthfully what we believe to be true about the future and how we live today. Steven Garber on the #findingholypodcast with @aahales.

We’re feeling the curse of anonymity. It’s not a good thing for the human heart to be unknown. Steven Garber on #findingholypodcast


Take a sheet of paper and make a cross in it with four sections: work, rest, play and worship. Free associate. What do you love? What elements in each speak to you? Write them down. You can make it easy by downloading and printing a sheet right here (

Then circle the words or phrases that continually crop up. You’ll find a few answers to how God’s made you and how you can even find some solace during this pandemic.


We’d love it if you could subscribe to the Finding Holy Podcast and tell your friends!

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