For three weeks, our Suburban Bootcamp helps you take the big ideas of secularism and connect the dots to your everyday, holy life. How do we live ordinary lives well in a secular age? Here’s some practical places to start.
Bryce Hales (church planter at Resurrection Orange County) and Ashley Hales talk about freedom and secularism, how social media changes us, and how secularism affects those of us who live in suburbs and live rather ordinary lives. We talk about secularism of the right, give you some resources, and help you connect the dots between secularism and habits to move you towards the things of God. Listen in, share and subscribe!
LISTEN on APPLE PODCASTS OR ONLINE AT MEGAPHONE, or wherever you listen to podcasts subscribe to the FINDING HOLY podcast. Check out Episode 32 for our first episode in Suburban Bootcamp 2020.

Our church, Resurrection Orange County:
Ashley’s book, Finding Holy in the Suburbs: Living Faithfully in the Land of Too Much:
And particularly check out this resource specifically for churches:

Mentioned this episode:
Faith for Exiles: 5 Ways for a New Generation to Follow Jesus in Digital Babylon, David Kinneman and Mark Matlock

How has secularism infiltrated not only urban progressive places but the suburbs? Join @aahales and pastor @bahales of @res_oc talk about #secularism:
Join @aahales and @bahales as they talk right-leaning secularism on #findingholypodcast
We talk resilient disciples, information from @barnagroup, secularism, and more on #findingholypodcast
The secularism of the right looks more reactionary than outward-focused. #findingholypodcast
Meaningful life = community + freedom in a suburban secular age. Listen in to @aahales and @bahales on #findingholypodcast
Thick identities are formed through story, attention and what community we’re doing life with. @aahales and @bahales on #findingholypodcast
We have the story of the gospel in our heads but we have the story of the culture in our bones. @bahales and @aahales #findingholypodcast

To form a gospel identity — consider what you give your attention to and what people you’re doing life with.
Choose to commit to your community: go to church. Make it a priority from now before Easter. Choose to show up for the same group of ordinary people and see how it goes!
If regular church-going is already your thing, consider what you might do to show up and volunteer regularly. We don’t want to see our church communities as yet another consumer product.

Get special info for your church here:
We’re a new podcast and we’d love for more people to connect the dots between the things that really matter and their everyday lives. Rate and review us on Apple Podcasts and share with a friend.

For three weeks, our Suburban Bootcamp helps you take the big ideas of secularism and connect the dots to your everyday, holy life. How do we live ordinary lives well in a secular age? Here’s some practical places to start.

Bryce Hales (church planter at Resurrection Orange County) and Ashley Hales talk about freedom and secularism, how social media changes us, and how secularism affects those of us who live in suburbs and live rather ordinary lives. We talk about secularism of the right, give you some resources, and help you connect the dots between secularism and habits to move you towards the things of God. Listen in, share and subscribe!

LISTEN on APPLE PODCASTS OR ONLINE AT MEGAPHONE, or wherever you listen to podcasts subscribe to the FINDING HOLY podcast. Check out Episode 32 for our first episode in Suburban Bootcamp 2020.


Our church, Resurrection Orange County:

Ashley’s book, Finding Holy in the Suburbs: Living Faithfully in the Land of Too Much:

And particularly check out this resource specifically for churches:

Mentioned this episode:

Faith for Exiles: 5 Ways for a New Generation to Follow Jesus in Digital Babylon, David Kinneman and Mark Matlock


How has secularism infiltrated not only urban progressive places but the suburbs? Join @aahales and pastor @bahales of @res_oc talk about #secularism:

Join @aahales and @bahales as they talk right-leaning secularism on #findingholypodcast

We talk resilient disciples, information from @barnagroup, secularism, and more on #findingholypodcast

The secularism of the right looks more reactionary than outward-focused. #findingholypodcast

Meaningful life = community + freedom in a suburban secular age. Listen in to @aahales and @bahales on #findingholypodcast

Thick identities are formed through story, attention and what community we’re doing life with. @aahales and @bahales on #findingholypodcast

We have the story of the gospel in our heads but we have the story of the culture in our bones. @bahales and @aahales #findingholypodcast


To form a gospel identity — consider what you give your attention to and what people you’re doing life with.

Choose to commit to your community: go to church. Make it a priority from now before Easter. Choose to show up for the same group of ordinary people and see how it goes!

If regular church-going is already your thing, consider what you might do to show up and volunteer regularly. We don’t want to see our church communities as yet another consumer product.


Get special info for your church here:

We’re a new podcast and we’d love for more people to connect the dots between the things that really matter and their everyday lives. Rate and review us on Apple Podcasts and share with a friend.