Hello and welcome back listeners, we hope you all had a wonderful holiday season. 

First, apologies for the blunder that was the Noirvember episode-I'm still working my way around the tech aspect of podcasting when really i should be sticking strinctly to chatting, which I'm okay at about 50% of the time. 

For December we chose to focus on holiday films-shocker-with Penny Marshall's pivotal Big starring Tom Hanks and Nancy Meyers The Holiday , a film that myself, Gaby and AJ are all quite keen on. Listen and let us know what your favorite holiday films are. 

For January, to take on the resolution mentality, we're watching films that center themselves on characters who are rebuilding their lives or starting anew. The main one we plan to tackle is Under the Tuscan Sun  and will be adding to the title as the month starts, so stay tuned and make sure to watch along in order to take part in our live discussion at the end of the month. 

Also starting soon will be a Twitter campaign of sorts which you can follow at @FindingHerVoice with Film Friday and Spotlight Saturday . We'll be highlighting films to watch during the week, filmmakers to follow and criticism to read to help both enlighten you as well as ourselves on female talent along with making sure we all reach out 52 Films by Women Goal. 

Thank you all for listening, and have a happy and safe New Year :)