Meet Don Akery, a man who walks the talk when it comes to authentic leadership, a man who knows what it takes to take care of all of his stakeholders, customers, suppliers, owners, and most importantly, employees. We will explore today exactly how he does that and stays true to himself.

When people come to work at TTI they tend to stay.  The values statement at TTI talks about providing a home and it hasn’t changed in 40 years, the culture has evolved with the times and retained its core values.

A real southern boy from Atlanta Georgia who sold subscriptions to the Atlanta Newspaper and now runs a Berkshire Hathaway company, Don has valuable insights to share as we pursue our quest to find GRAVITAS.

02:20 Don’s story

03:49 Technology and leadership model changes

05:40 Attracting Millennials

07:07 Embracing social media

13:09 The executive roadshow / with a waiting list ?

20:52 That irresistible quality of leadership

21:36 The TTI story / the American dream

23:18 Working for Warren Buffett

29:48 Positional power vs supportive / coaching leadership

34:33 Creating a home for people

40:07 Advice to your 25 year old self

43:14 What’s your legacy ?