Meet Delaina and Luke, members of Gen Z in the workplace.

There’s a lot to be gained from a fresh perspective — even then it’s a viewpoint that doesn’t quite align with your own.

Instead of interviewing a seasoned leader, Jan is flipping the script in this episode. She hosts a conversation with two members of Gen Z, Delaina Yatoma and Luke Tappen, recent graduates of Wayne State University, to uncover their perspectives on good leadership in the workplace.

In this episode of Finding Gravitas, Delaina and Luke share their perspectives on authentic leadership.

Delaina graduated in May 2021 and worked full time while attending school. Previously, she was a buyer in the jewelry industry. Now, she works as a data analyst in healthcare.

Luke, who was homeschooled through the end of high school, graduated in 2019 with degrees in global supply chain management and finance. During college, he held internships in the automotive industry and spent a summer in Hong Kong as a freight forwarder. Now, he is a commodity buyer for a Tier 1 automotive supplier.

The COVID-19 pandemic has prompted major changes in traditional workplaces and remote work has gone mainstream. Delaina and Luke share their early career perspective on the evolving workplace — as well as where boundaries need to be drawn.

Luke notes the value of in-person interaction when you’re just starting out in the workplace: “It's really important to have those water-cooler discussions. So that is something that's missed [in remote work environments].”

Delaina and Luke share their perspective on effective leadership, noting the need for leaders who are willing to communicate with employees of all levels and be honest about their struggles.

“Leaders who are relatable — in reason and purpose — I think are easier to follow and to be inspired by,” says Delaina.


Themes discussed in this episode:


●     How much do members of Gen Z really care about a company’s mission? Are we to believe what the media says?

●     Balancing a company’s values and mission with nuts-and-bolts business operations

●     Gen Z’s view on workplace flexibility and remote work

●     Using “reverse mentorship” to learn from those just starting out

●     Gen Z speaks: advice for leadership

Featured Guests: Delaina Yatoma and Luke Tappen


📈 What they do: Delaina and Luke are both graduates of Wayne State University. Delaina graduated in 2021 and is a data analyst in the healthcare industry. Luke graduated in 2019 and is a commodity buyer for a Tier 1 auto supplier.

💡 On gravitas: Luke discusses the importance of leaders who attract people to them with warmth and kindness.

Episode Highlights

Timestamped inflection points from the show


[2:32] Breaking out: Delaina and Luke, both recent graduates of Wayne State University, discuss their experiences in the workforce since graduating from college.

[4:20] Mission critical: Members of Gen Z are known for wanting to work for companies with strong values. The guests discuss their views and share what values they look for in a company’s mission statement. “I do believe that both successful business leaders and companies have clarity. They have clarity on who they are, what they want, and who they want to be,” says Delaina.

[8:40] Balancing act: Delaina and Luke share their perspectives on their regard for business...

Meet Delaina and Luke, members of Gen Z in the workplace.

There’s a lot to be gained from a fresh perspective — even then it’s a viewpoint that doesn’t quite align with your own.

Instead of interviewing a seasoned leader, Jan is flipping the script in this episode. She hosts a conversation with two members of Gen Z, Delaina Yatoma and Luke Tappen, recent graduates of Wayne State University, to uncover their perspectives on good leadership in the workplace.

In this episode of Finding Gravitas, Delaina and Luke share their perspectives on authentic leadership.

Delaina graduated in May 2021 and worked full time while attending school. Previously, she was a buyer in the jewelry industry. Now, she works as a data analyst in healthcare.

Luke, who was homeschooled through the end of high school, graduated in 2019 with degrees in global supply chain management and finance. During college, he held internships in the automotive industry and spent a summer in Hong Kong as a freight forwarder. Now, he is a commodity buyer for a Tier 1 automotive supplier.

The COVID-19 pandemic has prompted major changes in traditional workplaces and remote work has gone mainstream. Delaina and Luke share their early career perspective on the evolving workplace — as well as where boundaries need to be drawn.

Luke notes the value of in-person interaction when you’re just starting out in the workplace: “It's really important to have those water-cooler discussions. So that is something that's missed [in remote work environments].”

Delaina and Luke share their perspective on effective leadership, noting the need for leaders who are willing to communicate with employees of all levels and be honest about their struggles.

“Leaders who are relatable — in reason and purpose — I think are easier to follow and to be inspired by,” says Delaina.


Themes discussed in this episode:


●     How much do members of Gen Z really care about a company’s mission? Are we to believe what the media says?

●     Balancing a company’s values and mission with nuts-and-bolts business operations

●     Gen Z’s view on workplace flexibility and remote work

●     Using “reverse mentorship” to learn from those just starting out

●     Gen Z speaks: advice for leadership

Featured Guests: Delaina Yatoma and Luke Tappen


📈 What they do: Delaina and Luke are both graduates of Wayne State University. Delaina graduated in 2021 and is a data analyst in the healthcare industry. Luke graduated in 2019 and is a commodity buyer for a Tier 1 auto supplier.

💡 On gravitas: Luke discusses the importance of leaders who attract people to them with warmth and kindness.

Episode Highlights

Timestamped inflection points from the show


[2:32] Breaking out: Delaina and Luke, both recent graduates of Wayne State University, discuss their experiences in the workforce since graduating from college.

[4:20] Mission critical: Members of Gen Z are known for wanting to work for companies with strong values. The guests discuss their views and share what values they look for in a company’s mission statement. “I do believe that both successful business leaders and companies have clarity. They have clarity on who they are, what they want, and who they want to be,” says Delaina.

[8:40] Balancing act: Delaina and Luke share their perspectives on their regard for business metrics versus the mission of their work.

[14:59] A better culture: As COVID-19 forced companies to shift traditional work structures, many employees have embraced the greater flexibility of remote work. As fresh faces in the workforce, the guests share their opinions on workplace cultures, placing emphasis on flexible and hybrid models.

[24:00] Leadership expectations: Delaina and Luke divulge what characteristics and values a leader should exude, finding common ground with approachability. “Anyone that's going to follow someone isn't going to follow someone that doesn't show confidence,” Luke observes.

[25:28] On gravitas: Luke emphasizes the point that a good leader draws people in to them through their confidence and warmth.

[30:07] Reverse card: When the mentor becomes the mentee, that’s when growth happens. “A lot of the things that I thought may have been obvious to this leader that I experienced reverse mentoring with were not obvious,” Delaina says.

[35:04] Starting the day off right: Delaina and Luke lay out their morning routines. The consensus? Start your day off with some mindful moments away from your phone.

[39:41] Gen Z’s advice to leaders: Delaina and Luke impart their advice for senior leaders — honesty and communication go a long way.