John Mizon runs South West Megagames, a full-time endeavour that aims to bring megagaming to the South-West of the UK (and sometimes beyond). Megagames are still a surprisingly niche hobby, which have started to see more mainstream appeal in the last few years after a Shut Up & Sit Down video brought many new eyes to the genre. These games are massive day-long experiences that blend roleplaying, board game-style mechanics, social gameplay and model-UN style simulation to a venue filled with anywhere from 30 to 300 players. Though the themes of games can range from sci-fi colony planets all the way to medieval courts, the unifying feature is simulating a massive, confusing crisis or conflict, and seeing how the existing structures and factions deal with the challenges of information and communication that the situation brings.

If you'd like to know more about Megagames, check out this video:

Also, here's the Shut Up & Sit Down video that was referenced in the episode:

Music from (
"The Show Must Be Go" by Kevin MacLeod (
Licence: CC BY (