Previous Episode: Episode 3 - Jax Cassady

One of the most difficult and valuable skills to develop in life is the ability to listen to your inner voice. For some of us this voice is so quiet we may hardly know it exists at all. But we all have one. This is the voice inside us that speaks to our greatest ambitions and our deepest desires. In many ways, I believe that if we were able to truly listen to this voice and were able to act on it fully, we would be able to live fully as our truest, most authentic selves.

The challenge of listening to and living up to this inner voice, is the fact that there is almost always outside noises and forces trying to drown it out. Sometimes this is the negative opinions or nay sayings of others. Other times it is our own self doubt. More often that not it might be a combination of the two. So the question becomes, how do we overcome these outside voices in order to live up to the potential we know deep down that we already possess?

Chatting this past week with one of my oldest friends, Allegra Lowe, it became clear to me that the key to overcoming this obstacle is to not give any power to these outside influences. Instead, our biggest pursuit should be owning this power in ourselves, so that we see our ambitions as essential to who we are and as something we are unwilling to compromise on. I have always been impressed by Allegra’s willingness to go after her goals despite the opinions of others, especially when it came to her career. But whatI realized through our conversations was that it was because Allegra has never allowed herself to view her goals as optional, she has always gone after them with no other alternative than to succeed.

Most recently Allegra has embarked on launching her own salon and embarked in co-owning a business. In this episode of the podcast we also dig into the nitty gritty of what it took to get their small business off the ground, from business planning to dealing with those that doubted the abilities of her and her business partner. Along the way we unravel the personal elements that were key to establishing our own ambitions as female entrepreneurs, and also dig into advice for future generations that want to step off the beaten path to start something all their own.

To find out more Allegra and High Post, you can check out the salon on Instagram or visit their website to book appointments.