We often have an image in our head of this idealized superwoman working mom who “does it all,” always knows what she’s doing, and always has a smile on her face. With social media it is easy to think this is an attainable and fulfilling lifestyle that we womxn should all strive for.

Ivy Slater carries herself with an incredible amount of confidence and has taken on, and kicked ass in, an number of roles. She’s a parent, an author, a podcast host, the CEO of Slater Success Coaching, and she has run a string of other successful companies in the past. She’s almost Superwoman, but she didn’t get there by relentlessly seeking the ever elusive “work-life balance” or by trying to be “one of the guys.” Ivy has cultivated this inner confidence, reached incredible levels of success, and been able to seemingly “do it all” because she has carefully built a business and life that fits her needs and who she most authentically is. She’s refused to live life on a see-saw and instead works each day to create and maintain a flow between all the different aspects of her life and the roles she fills so that everyone around her gets a happy and healthy Ivy.

To learn more about Ivy and her company, Slater Success Coaching, visit her website, or follow her on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.

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