This podcast episode is especially unique in that the featured guest, Sabrina Parsons, is one of the few womxn to appear on the podcast that holds the title of CEO. Womxn CEOs are few and far between, especially in the tech industry, so I was excited to speak with Sabrina, listen to her story, and hear what advice she had for other womxn who are pursuing leadership roles.

As a CEO for a tech company, Palo Alto Software, Sabrina is familiar with both the challenges of being a womxn working in a male dominated industry and the challenges of working in a high pressure, competitive environment. Sabrina has never let those challenges stop her though. She is confident in who she is and an absolute powerhouse who believes in asking for forgiveness rather than permission and focusing only on what you can control when you find yourself in stressful situations.

Sabrina is a force to be reckoned with and is such an inspiration to me. She is unapologetically herself and consistently speaks her mind, standing up for what she believes in and dealing with any ramifications later. She is truly a fearless female and the world could do with a lot more womxn like her in leadership roles.

To learn more about Sabrina and Palo Alto Software, you can visit the company’s website.