The accounting industry and even just the broader world of business hasn’t always been the most diverse. We’ve made a lot of progress, but as the Founder and Lead accountant of First Step Accounting, Nayo Carter-Gray, points out in this episode, it's still too easy to look around the accounting space and assume that everyone in the industry is going to be “some 60 year old white dude.”

The world needs more diversity and we need to cultivate environments women can feel confident stepping into, environments where women can own their own value.

So how do we do all that?

In this latest episode of the Finding Fearless podcast, accounting badass Nayo Carter-Gray and I dig deep and talk about real every-day steps we can all take to cultivate diversity and elevate womxn, whether it is the womxn around you, or yourself. Nayo is a self proclaimed “pusher” and tech enthusiast who, though her own life experiences, has also become an expert at helping women see their own value.

Nayo sat down with us and shared how her life story has shaped her into the powerful woman she is today, how having a child can drive you to do more, and how building strong communities and prioritizing your core values can help you own your own power.

To learn more about Nayo and 1st Step Accounting you can visit her website or follow her on Instagram.