When you’re young, chances are, you’re figuring life out. You are trying to make sense of who you are as a person, what you believe in, who you are attracted to, and what you want to make of your life. Teenagers typically do not of these elements fully fleshed out, and yet, every so often one of them does, and it makes them a force to be reckoned with.

I first met Chloe Mason when we were both 15, and we formed a mutual connection over fashion and boys. I liked the fact that she didn’t take shit from anyone, and I was blown away with her own determination and sense of self. When anyone asked about her life goals, Chloe would look them dead in the eye, and say: “I’m going to be a model.” She was so resolute in her conviction, I was not the least bit surprised that in such a difficult industry, Chloe went on to become exactly the model she convinced us as teenagers she would become.

These days, Chloe is still a straight shooter, which means that she will be the first to dispel any notion that modeling is easy or glamorous. She’s also a lot more than a model, and she is quick to share her other passions and her long term vision for her personal platforms. Chloe is someone that fully to embraces her identity, and will just as casually open up about why she identifies as a Queer Femme, as tell you about her adorable son, Ezra. I think that she can do it with ease because she has put in the work to assimilate all of the seemingly disparate pieces of herself into the dynamite package she is today.

Join Chloe and me for the latest podcast episode where we talk about determination, sexuality, building your tribe, and learning to put on your own oxygen mask first. It’s a one-of-a-kind conversation that should not be missed. You can also keep up with Chloe’s adventures by following her on Instagram.