There is nothing that inspires me more than a woman that knows her own strength. When I met Sami Sweeney for the first time, it was obvious that that was the type of woman I was dealing with. A former gymnast and cheerleader, Sami has become Seattle’s very own Pure Barre powerhouse, owning 6 locations in the area. In the past year Sami has expanded her domain even further, launching herself headfirst into both motherhood and the next level of entrepreneurship with a new venture she helped co-found called 421 Reset.

The thing that I admire most about Sami though isn’t just the fact that she carries herself with strength, it’s the fact that she’s teaching & inspiring other women to do the same. Through weekly classes, ongoing challenges, and health reset programs she is helping women discover their power and potential through full body fitness. Inside her studios Sami is empowering a staff of over 100 women to operate as leaders and promoters for the fitness foundations that Pure Barre is built on. A mastermind that seems to be constantly in motion, Sami is also a beacon for strength & wellness to the wider community as a brand ambassador for not only her own companies, but Lululemon & Fitbit.

When I look at a woman like this, I start to wonder, where does her strength and inner fire come from? Was it something that she was born with or was it built over time? Luckily for me, I was able to sit down with Sami and hear how her story started, and how she has evolved to become such a force within the fitness community in Seattle. In our conversation we touch on the challenges she has faced as a female business owner, how she was inspired to co-found a new venture, and how motherhood has completely changed the game and inspired her to keep aiming higher when it comes to her goals.

Use the audio player above to listen to my interview with Sami Sweeney.

You can also can connect further with Sami by following her on Instagram, following her Pure Barre studios on Instagram, and by checking out the latest 421 Reset challenge on their website.