Jesse Horn, husband, father and farmer talks about how God has shown up at different points in his life and how his faith has evolved over time.  Growing up in the Methodist Church, Jesse had a strong foundation of faith laid by his family. But in college, he fell away from his faith. After receiving a call from his father asking him to come home and help with harvest, Jesse's life plans began to change. Realizing how much he missed his family and farming, he moved back home. It was during this time that the embers of faith began to once again grow and Jesse's faith was reignited.

He eventually joined the Catholic Church, shortly before marriage.  Jesse shares how his faith guided him and his wife through difficult times as they struggled to determine if and when to start a family, the challenges and set-backs that brought as well as the strain parenthood eventually placed on their marriage.  But each step of the way God provided and accompanied Jesse and his wife. 


If you have questions, need someone to journey with or would be interested in sharing your story please reach out to me at: [email protected].