“For most people I know, their comfort zone is actually not very comfortable at all. It’s a tight box that they’ve put themselves in. They’ve created practices, habits and methodologies to make themselves feel safe and secure, but safe and secure is not necessarily comfortable. We want to reach our highest potential, and safe and secure will never let us do that.” - Kathy Caprino

In today’s show, I’m so excited to explore an issue that for so many of us, including myself, is challenging to face.

Today I’m sharing some candid revelations I’ve had this summer, after taking time to travel and perform internationally, and completely unplugging so I could focus fully on the here and now. I saw clearly when I returned to work that there are three key ways that leaving the “comfort” of your jam-packed schedule, your daily rituals and regular practices at work—and stepping away for a longer period of time than usual and doing things that are very different from your normal activities—will dramatically expand your success, growth and happiness.

I hope the tips and strategies here will put you on the quickest trajectory to reaching your highest potential and your happiest and most fulfilling visions for the future, which is why I believe we are here on this planet at this time - to become more of who we really are and want to be.

As always, I’d love to hear if this episode speaks to you, and I welcome your suggestions for any future topics or interviewees that you’re interested in learning from. Please reach out to me by email at [email protected] or on social media via LinkedIn, or on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Pinterest to say hello and share your ideas and feedback!