“It was actually a friend of mine that pointed out the juxtaposition of these two independent wake-up calls that put it all together. The juxtaposition here that was so powerful was that in that moment, I realized I have to live my potential not for me only, but for the next generation.” - Darren Virassammy

Sometime in life it takes a wake-up call, or multiple ones, to help someone realize who it is they should be in life and how they are called to help others. Today’s Finding Brave guest is no exception, as his wake-up calls placed him on a path to help others realize that everyone deserves a great place to work and that any workplace can be great.

Darren Virassammy is the Co-Founder and Chief Operating Officer of 34 Strong, comprised of a team that believes everyone deserves a great place to work and that any workplace can be great. A leading expert in the global employee engagement community, the 34 Strong team leverages the strengths-based approach to human development to create massive shifts within organizations, both culturally and on the bottom line. He and his team have created sustainable change in microbusinesses, all the way up to large organizational teams at the FDA, Bank of America, and The California Department of Public Health. Recently, Darren has keynoted for Hitachi Global Women’s Conference, The Rotary World Peace Conference, The Professional Grounds Management Society, and author Mike Michalowicz’s Profit Con.

As Darren reveals, in order to sustain excellence we must play to our strengths and manage around our weaknesses. In this episode, he provides the tools to help identify what he calls your areas of “Grind, Greatness and Genius” that will help you truly live your own message.

To learn more about today's guest, visit: https://34strong.com/