“When we internalize these negative assumptions about ourselves as aging women, and start to believe them, we belittle ourselves. We diminish ourselves, we hold ourselves back, and we become invisible.” - Bonnie Marcus

There are many challenges that people over 50 face in today’s society, but women of this age can especially feel diminished and dismissed in the workplace. Today’s guest shines a light on the ageist and sexist assumptions that do exist, and what happens when we internalize these assumptions and play small in our careers and in our lives.

Bonnie Marcus empowers professional women to own their talent and ambition and step into their full potential. Through her book, The Politics of Promotion (Wiley 2015), speaking, coaching and Forbes column, Bonnie helps women navigate the complexities of the workplace today to get ahead. She has done extensive research on women and ambition and co-authored a white paper on the topic.

A former CEO, Bonnie’s business experience started at the entry level. She learned the business skills and political savvy on the job that contributed to her success. Her latest project focuses on helping women over 50 keep their jobs. This book will expose the double whammy of ageism and sexism for women in the workplace and help women reject the ageist assumptions that keep them small and take away their power. She guides them to reconnect with their badass energy and write a new empowering story for themselves.

A certified executive coach, Forbes columnist, and popular keynote speaker, Bonnie has earned the recognition of being a Global Gurus Top 30 coach in the world 4 years in a row.

Bonnie offers not only valuable insight for women as they age on how to stay marketable and employed, but this conversation is also focused on empowering yourself by highlighting what you have already achieved and contributed in your career. Ultimately it’s up to you to define who you are, write a new story for yourself and most importantly, find brave each day while believing in it.

To learn more about today's guest, visit: https://womenssuccesscoaching.com/