Today’s guest has a fascinating and important perspective on what it is to live authentically, or as she describes it, “flawesomely”. Kristina Mänd-Lakhiani is the co-founder of Mindvalley, one of the world’s most powerful life transformation platform with a following of 20 million and still growing. She is an entrepreneur, writer, international speaker, artist, philanthropist, and host of the podcast, Flawesome with Kristina.

With 20 years of experience in the personal growth industry, her content has touched the lives of tens of thousands of students. Today she joins Finding Brave to discuss her book Becoming Flawesome: The Key to Living An Imperfectly Authentic Life.

Kristina explains what it means to live “as ourselves without ourselves” and opens up about the revelation she had when she realized that she was missing herself. We discuss our views on perfectionism, why you can’t recover from being yourself, and the distinction between unlearning certain behaviors versus what’s part of your personality.

We also explore the concept of emotional analgesia and the relationship between this and gender roles. Kristina also shares what she hopes readers will glean from her book and we conclude with a practical step towards embracing our imperfections. Tune in to find out how you too can overcome perfectionism and self-doubt by embracing your “flawesome” self.


Key Highlights From This Episode:

• An introduction to today’s guest: Kristina Mänd-Lakhiani. [01:16]

• What it means to live as ourselves without ourselves. [03:07]

• What Kristina missed about herself when she realized that she did miss herself. [07:58]

• How Kristina views perfectionism, how it shows up, and how to address it. [09:19]

• What emotional analgesia means and how to overcome the ideal of not feeling things. [15:30]

• How emotional analgesia relates to gender roles. [18:04]

• Thoughts on toxic positivity and why we’re not comfortable with other people’s pain. [23:56]

• What Kristina hopes that readers will take from her book. [27:54]

• One step to begin your “flawesome" journey: replace judgment with curiosity. [30:08]


For More Information:

Kristina Mänd-Lakhiani 

Kristina Mänd-Lakhiani on LinkedIn

Kristina Mänd-Lakhiani Instagram

Kristina Mänd-Lakhiani on Facebook

Flawesome with Kristina


Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode: 

Kristina’s Book: Becoming Flawesome: The Key to Living An Imperfectly Authentic Life


Ready to Take Your Professional Life and Leadership to the Next Level FAST? 


Hi folks! For those who missed the enrollment of my LIVE 8-week online training course The Most Powerful You, I’m happy to share that you can learn this critical content at your own pace, through the The Most Powerful You video training program. And if you want hands-on coaching help, it’s available to you through this program as well. 

The video training teaches content of my latest book The Most Powerful You helping professional women address what I’ve seen are the 7 most damaging power and confidence gaps that block women from achieving their most exciting goals, and happiest highest potential and success. This includes imposter syndrome that impacts 75% of executive women today.


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Calling all coaches!

Do you run a coaching business that focuses on supporting professional women? If so, I’ve got some exciting news about supporting your coaching growth, success, and impact.

Right now, we’re opening the enrollment of my private (1:1) coaching training program called The Amazing Career Coach Certification, which is a 17-week, hands-on training program that certifies female coaches in my proprietary 16-step career growth model, which is perfect for coaches who want a deeper dive into learning powerful, proven coaching frameworks, concepts, and skills that teach the 16 most essential steps to building an amazing career that your clients need to know. And this training will help you become far more effective and impactful in supporting women to thrive today in their jobs, roles, and careers.

And through the program, you’ll get access to a powerful Small Business Acceleration program called The Rapid Growth Academy, delivered by my friend and colleague, award-winning business growth expert Matthew Pollard.

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For more information, visit and check out the details. Join me this Winter!



Order Kathy’s book The Most Powerful You today!

In Australia and New Zealand, click here to order, elsewhere outside North America, click here, and in the UK, click here.

If you enjoy the book, we’d so appreciate your giving the book a positive rating and review on Amazon! And check out Kathy’s digital companion course The Most Powerful You, to help you close the 7 most damaging power gaps in the most effective way possible. 

Kathy’s Power Gaps Survey, Support To Build Your LinkedIn Profile To Great Success & Other Free Resources

Kathy’s TEDx Talk, Time To Brave Up & Free Career Path Self-Assessment

Kathy’s Amazing Career Project video training course & 6 Dominant Action Styles Quiz



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“I think that the thing I missed the most was just being okay with being me.” — Kristina Mänd-Lakhiani [0:08:13]

“I can’t recover from being myself. And there is a difference – between certain bad habits and certain behaviors that you can unlearn and untrain versus your personality.” — Kristina Mänd-Lakhiani [0:10:32]

“This fascination with not feeling has brought us to the point where we as a society suffer from emotional analgesia and what that means is we don’t notice our emotions.” — Kristina Mänd-Lakhiani [0:17:13]

“We have to allow people to feel emotions because the problem is not what emotion you feel, the problem is are you acting out of your emotion or are you acting out of your value?” — Kristina Mänd-Lakhiani [0:21:39]

“I want people to come to peace with themselves. We are hurting so much by not being okay with who we are.” — Kristina Mänd-Lakhiani [0:28:26]

“If you can replace judgment with curiosity, it will open up so many doors.” — Kristina Mänd-Lakhiani [0:32:34]


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