Our understanding and definition of what excellent leadership is can vary greatly across continents, countries, and cultures. It is also influenced by individual characteristics such as age, gender, and heritage. And as newer generations enter, and progress, within the workforce, so too do their values and preferences. One of the most notable shifts currently taking place is how we value emotional intelligence (particularly in the workplace) and the growing recognition of its role in cultivating exceptional leadership. Joining us today on the show to help us unpack this nuanced topic is Luis Moreno, an expert in emotional intelligence and human-centered leadership with a special interest in diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Luis has long been an advocate for the important role of emotional intelligence when it comes to leadership. His many years at various Fortune 500 companies exposed him to a range of leadership styles and taught him how to recognize the type of leaders that bring out the best in their employees. This inspired him to establish his platform LuisMorenoTCBPN (The Twin Cities Business Peer Network), where he is training a new generation of leaders to be more effective, more inclusive, and more human-centered in their thinking, behaviors and communication.

In our conversation, we discuss the concept of emotional intelligence, how it can help you become a great leader, and how Luis is seeing this play out in organizations around the world. He goes on to explore the notion of empathy, its role in the workplace, and why understanding and respecting someone’s perspective doesn’t necessarily mean you agree with them. Luis also breaks down the responsibility organizations have when it comes to investing in leadership training and how this will help them avoid key problem areas such as a lack of engagement from employees and a high turnover rate.

Today’s conversation will leave you with a new appreciation for what it means to be a thoughtful and conscientious leader. Tune in to hear all of Luis’s thought-provoking insights and observations on how the world is re-examining empathy, emotional intelligence, and leadership and why that re-examination is critical for the success of businesses, employees and work cultures today.


Key Highlights From This Episode: 

Introducing Luis Moreno, his career trajectory, and what his work at multiple Fortune 500 hundred companies has taught him about leadership. [01:30]

Understanding the complex conversation on being ‘liked’ versus ‘respected’ as a leader and the downsides that accompany the fear of not being liked. [06:27] 

The image companies project about themselves concerning issues like diversity, equity, and inclusion, versus the reality of what they’re actually implementing, and how this affects employees. [11:48]

An overview of emotional intelligence, how it can make you a better leader, and why it results in superior decision-making and improved outcomes in the long term. [16:18]

The younger generation’s expectations of leaders and why they require leaders to be transparent about their values. [19:21]

Training people to understand the impact of their views and how emotional intelligence helps us connect with people who do not share our perspective. [26:55]

How emotional intelligence can help you gain an understanding of why an employee or teammate is underperforming. [35:31]

Recognizing how corporate environments often don’t allow minorities and people from marginalized communities to excel. [37:48]

Learn where you can find Luis and his training online. [39:32]

Luis’s parting message on emotional intelligence: the value of finding appreciation for someone else’s interests and how this can be applied to the workplace. [40:41]

For More Information: 


Luis Moreno on LinkedIn

Luis Moreno TCBPN on Twitter

Luis Moreno TCBPN on Instagram

Luis Moreno TCBPN on YouTube

The Twin Cities Business Peer Network on Facebook


Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode: 

Read Kathy’s Forbes interview from 2018 with CEO Margaret Keane on Leading Through Challenges In The Financial Industry

Learn more about emotional intelligence from Happiness Expert Shawn Achor


Ready to Take Your Professional Life and Leadership to the Next Level FAST? 


Hi folks! Kathy here…I’m thrilled to share that I’m offering a new session of my 8-week coaching and training course The Most Powerful You starting May 10th! In 8 powerhouse weeks together, I’ll train and coach participants all about the content of my book The Most Powerful You helping professional women address what I’ve seen are the 7 most damaging power and confidence gaps that block women from achieving their most exciting goals, and happiest highest potential and success. These power gaps contribute to and sustain imposter syndrome that impacts 75% of executive women today. 


The course offers:

8 Weekly Zoom Coaching calls with me 

8 Video Training Modules 

A Step-by-by process for boosting your Career, Confidence, and Impact 

Fantastic Additional Resources from over 30 of the nation’s top experts  

A Private Online Support Group  for Members

And more

Spots are very limited so sign up now at mostpowerfulyou.com. And when you register as an early bird, you’ll save $300 and get 8 amazing bonuses.

I’ve delivered aspects of this training to over 50 organizations worldwide (including at a division of the United Nations) and participants have called it transformative and life-changing. I’m confident this course will move you forward fast. Hope to see you there!



Calling all coaches! 

Do you run a coaching business that focuses on supporting professional women? If so, I’ve got some exciting news about supporting your coaching growth, success, and impact.

Right now, we’re opening the enrollment of my private (1:1) coaching training program called The Amazing Career Coach Certification, which is a 17-week, hands-on training program that certifies female coaches in my proprietary 16-step career growth model, which is perfect for coaches who want a deeper dive into learning powerful, proven coaching frameworks, concepts, and skills that teach the 16 most essential steps to building an amazing career that your clients need to know. And this training will help you become far more effective and impactful in supporting women to thrive today in their jobs, roles, and careers.

And through the program, you’ll get access to a powerful Small Business Acceleration program called The Rapid Growth Academy, delivered by my friend and colleague, award-winning business growth expert Matthew Pollard.

Through Matthew’s program, you’ll be taught critical business and sales growth info that will help you grow your business success in the quickest way possible.

In my view, there’s nothing on the market like for both new and more seasoned coaches because it targets the two critical aspects of success: how you support your clients to thrive, and just as importantly, how to grow your own business to the next level.

For more information, visit certification.amazingcareerproject.com and check out the details. Join me this Winter!



Order Kathy’s book The Most Powerful You today!

In Australia and New Zealand, click here to order, elsewhere outside North America, click here, and in the UK, click here.

If you enjoy the book, we’d so appreciate your giving the book a positive rating and review on Amazon! And check out Kathy’s digital companion course The Most Powerful You, to help you close the 7 most damaging power gaps in the most effective way possible. 

Kathy’s Power Gaps Survey, Support To Build Your LinkedIn Profile To Great Success & Other Free Resources

Kathy’s TEDx Talk, Time To Brave Up & Free Career Path Self-Assessment

Kathy’s Amazing Career Project video training course & 6 Dominant Action Styles Quiz




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“Liking [you] means I see in you something that I aspire to be. I connect with your values, I feel comfortable, I feel psychologically safe around you, I feel that you look out for me.” — @LuisMorenoTCBPN [0:08:22]

“More and more people are realizing the power of emotions. How emotions are going to help you, and how they can actually work against you if you don't understand your emotions and how to manage them.” — @LuisMorenoTCBPN [0:17:19]

“I'm not going to teach you how to make other people think that you're more empathetic. I can teach you how to be more empathetic.” — @LuisMorenoTCBPN [0:18:29]

“One of my motivations I had [for coming] into this work was that I [had] learned many years ago that people had a limited understanding of empathy.” — @LuisMorenoTCBPN [0:27:17]

“There is a difference between understanding and agreeing. When you understand something, you don't necessarily agree with it.” — @LuisMorenoTCBPN [0:28:40]

“We need to open our minds to the notion that the way we see things may not be the way things actually are.” — @LuisMorenoTCBPN [0:35:01]


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