Thank you for listening to our Finding Brave show, ranked in the Top 100 Apple Career Podcasts!

“There is this balance between building that world-class network in record time, doing this as quickly as possible to accomplish your goals, helping your clients more or bring your vision to life, and also the fact that we are playing a very long game. Some of the people that you’re making friendships with now may benefit you in 10 or 20 years, and you have no idea how they’re going to support you or how you’re going to support them in the future.” - Jared Kleinert

Networking is a process of true engagement with others that is critical to our success that I talk about often, and today’s Finding Brave guest truly embodies this skill. If you’ve ever wanted to improve your networking skills to not only help in the attainment of your own goals, but to assist others in achieving their desires, there are unspoken rules you must be aware of. In this episode, our guest reveals these rules and gives you the tools that will help you become a true “super connector.”

Jared Kleinert is a TED speaker, award-winning author, and USA Today’s “Most Connected Millennial.” He’s the co-founder of a new startup called Offsite and author of the new book How To Build A World Class Network In Record Time.

As Jared shares, ultimately becoming a super connector is about doing the important inner work that we all need to do on a regular basis. We encourage you to start working on building your support network today, but don’t get discouraged or take it personally if at first you don’t get the results you were hoping for or expecting. If you detach from the outcome and give it your best effort, in the long run both you, and the people in your network, will benefit greatly.

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