Thank you for listening to our Finding Brave show, ranked in the Top 100 Apple Career Podcasts!

“You absolutely can claim space, because you don’t have to feel fearless. You just have to do the thing that will make you feel like a more empowered human being.” - Eliza VanCort

We all have a right to claim space – which means to live the life of our choosing unapologetically and bravely. Today’s Finding Brave guest provides inspiring practical tips and guidance on how to claim our space, but also urges each of us to think about intersectionality, bravery and anger as useful tools in claiming space for ourselves and others.

Eliza VanCort is an in-demand consultant, speaker, and writer on communications, career and workplace issues, and women’s empowerment. The founder of The Actor’s Workshop of Ithaca, she is also a Cook House Fellow at Cornell University, an advisory board member of the Performing Arts for Social Change, a Diversity Crew partner, and a member of Govern For America’s League of Innovators.

Eliza has led a life that any Hollywood studio would immediately dismiss as being too hard to believe. Her incredible, breathtaking journey of overcoming extreme challenges, in childhood and later as an adult, inspired her to dedicate her life to helping people of all races, genders, and backgrounds empower themselves to claim space.

Her first book, A Woman’s Guide to Claiming Space: Stand Tall. Raise Your Voice. Be Heard., hit shelves May 11, 2021.

Eliza’s story is a powerful reminder that it’s so important to keep persevering as best you can, even though you may want to fall down on your knees at times. Recognize your bravery and your immense value in this world, and let it help you claim your space, because this is the pathway to being heroically brave, and it will inspire and uplift so many others around you as well.

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