Thank you for listening to our Finding Brave show, ranked in the Top 100 Apple Podcasts in Careers!

“It’s not all about it necessarily being a white-collar or a blue-collar job, but if you can create the life that you wanted by doing what you want, you’re head and shoulders above 99% of the other people on this planet, Most people just live week to week, while feeling out of control all of the time.” - Ken Rusk

I love to cover topics I feel aren’t discussed enough in our world, and this episode is a great example of this. Today’s Finding Brave guest reveals how blue-collar trades are a source of pride that can help you find your own version of happiness by pursuing your craft. The economy is in desperate need of skilled tradespeople, and those who are willing to work hard and apply themselves in a growth-oriented way can make a great deal of money on their own terms, pursuing their craft and developing their expertise while also enjoying a happy life in the process.

Ken Rusk spent his younger years digging ditches and working in construction, never going to college. Instead, he made goals, planned and worked hard for thirty years. Now, Ken is a very successful entrepreneur with multiple businesses and revenue streams.

He specializes in mentoring and has coached hundreds of young people in such areas as short, mid and long-term goal setting, life visualization, career paths and sound financial planning. He is passionate about helping people achieve their dreams, regardless of their educational background or past. Ken is also the author of the new book is Blue-Collar Cash: Love Your Work, Secure Your Future, and Find Happiness for Life.

Ken believes that blue-collar work is the best kept financial secret of our time and explains how most of us let life happen to us instead of us happening to our lives. In fact, we are actually much more in control of our futures than many of us know or realize.

To learn more about today's guest, visit: