In today’s Finding Brave episode, I’m thrilled to highlight the powerful wisdom and insights of Dr. Polly McGee whose work is focused intensively on the integration of spirituality and business success.

Dr. McGee is an author, entrepreneur educator, digital strategist and yogi. As co-founder of Start-up Tasmania, she was voted one of the most influential people in Australian start-ups. She has worked with hundreds of start-ups to help them refine their business ideas and connect with their markets. A prolific speaker and writer on digital strategy and small business, Polly contributes to a range of publications and has created a suite of digital and video content and workshops. She coaches heart-centered entrepreneurs to help them scale their businesses to make a greater impact in the world.

Polly’s forthcoming new book The Good Hustle uniquely combines the ancient wisdom of yoga with contemporary business practices in a compelling blend of mindfulness, spirituality and entrepreneurial action.

In today’s interview, Polly shares:

1) How creating a heart-centered business and working in service to others can change the world and your own life

2) How ancient yogic philosophies and Buddhist teachings give us a contemporary framework to use on our path to happiness

3) How spirituality, mind management, life and work and intrinsically combined

4) The ways that managing our minds and turning our intentions toward service can remove obstacles to happiness and success

Ultimately, Polly shares that spirituality is about being connected with the divine in each one of us, and continuing on our own personal journeys helps us discover our own authentic answers to life’s challenges.

To learn more about today's guest, visit