Thank you for listening to our Finding Brave show, ranked in the Top 100 Apple Podcasts in Careers! We ask for your indulgence regarding the poor audio quality of this recording. We faced audio issues during this recording that have now been addressed. Thank you for understanding!

“Every experience that has occurred in your life, up to this point, has been placed beautifully to help you confront and give you the tools to deal with what is going on.” – Laura Khalil

It may be difficult to remember in times such as the ones that we are experiencing right now, but the greater the challenge, the greater the opportunity for growth. Today’s Finding Brave guest is an expert storyteller who reveals how we can begin to reimagine the stories we tell ourselves to build resiliency. Her inspiring message shows that nothing is in your way, but it is all on your way if you choose to see how the Universe is conspiring to help you grow.

Laura Khalil is an award-winning marketer, speaker, and trainer helping companies build engaged, inclusive teams by strengthening their communications skills. A storyteller at heart, Laura helps audiences reimagine the stories we tell ourselves to build resiliency and the courage to thrive.

She is the host of the podcast Brave by Design, which is focused on helping ambitious women rise. She is a regular contributor to media on business and technology. Laura has worked with Twitter, GE, Intel, Forbes, WeWork and has told stories at The Moth, RISK! and Detroit Women of Comedy Festival.

I hope you find this brave conversation with Laura as uplifting and relevant as I did, as she is someone who has consciously made the choice to be her highest, most powerful and confident self in the face of some staggering life experiences.

To learn more about today's guest, visit: