Thank you for listening to our Finding Brave show, ranked in the Top 100 Apple Podcasts in Careers!

“People were putting time against the things that didn’t really matter most to them, and they would then not have the energy for the things that did. I thought I could create a system and a process for people to ensure that they can align what matters most to them in their lives with where they spent their energy.” - Molly Fletcher

In the face of 24/7 pressure, how do we reset ourselves to achieve our best and most fulfilling life? How do we make the most of our 24 hours a day, 168 hours a week, 52 weeks a year? Today’s Finding Brave guest has constructed a creative solution that will empower each of us to do this in a doable, constructive way. It is a game-changing approach to giving more of yourself to what’s most important, and wasting less of your precious time and resources on what’s not.

In her message to audiences around the world, Molly Fletcher shares the unconventional techniques she used to thrive in her former career as a top sports agent and now as a successful entrepreneur, keynote speaker and author. Hailed as “the female Jerry Maguire,” Molly negotiated over $500 million in contracts and represented hundreds of sports’ biggest stars. She’s the founder of Game Changer Negotiation Training and the host of the Game Changers with Molly Fletcher podcast. She’s the author of five books, and her latest book, The Energy Clock is available in bookstores everywhere now.

Everyone will make mistakes in life, but as Molly reveals, it’s important that we remember to be gentle with ourselves and slow down to listen to what our true priorities in life really are.

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