Are you a business owner who’s is feeling overwhelmed with all the tasks you are doing on your own, but you aren’t sure if it’s the right time to ask for help? Even if it were the right time for assistance, would you know where to turn to get it? On today’s episode, Kathy Caprino welcomes Trivinia Barber, the founder of Priority VA, to explore the things that small businesses can do now to start generating more profit, while reducing overwhelm.

Priority VA is a boutique Virtual Assistant Agency that matches elite level entrepreneurs like Todd Herman and and Ray Edwards with highly skilled assistants who “get” the online space and come prepared to deliver massive ROI right out of the gate.

Trivinia shares why you really can’t do it alone if you’re aim is to run a successful business, and she gives us practical strategies for how to get to where you want to be so your business isn’t running you.

To learn more about today's guest, visit