Lauren McGoodwin is Career Contessa’s CEO and #1 power move advocate with a life mission to help women build successful and fulfilling careers on their terms.

Lauren launched Career Contessa in 2013 born from her master’s thesis project aiming to close the gap in career development resources for women. Career Contessa now helps millions of women each year with their careers through content, online learning courses, and job listings.

Download my podcast interview with Lauren here on iTunes!

Lauren McGoodwin is Career Contessa’s CEO and #1 power move advocate with a life mission to help women build successful and fulfilling careers on their terms.

Lauren launched Career Contessa in 2013 born from her master’s thesis project aiming to close the gap in career development resources for women. Career Contessa now helps millions of women each year with their careers through content, online learning courses, and job listings.

Download my podcast interview with Lauren here on iTunes!