Andrew Unterberger (@AUGetOffMyGold) from the Rights to Ricky Sanchez podcast joined me for a positive conversation where we talked about all the good things with the Sixers like adult human beings with normal brains. First we talked about not living and dying with every regular season game like it’s life or death this year and how we should do this more often! Then we talked about some things we saw from the Sixers inspiring wins against the Celtics, the crushing loss against the hospital Hawks, a dominating victory against the Wizards and …. Basically the Sixers need to shoot more threes than long twos imo. After years of being the anti Tobias guy AU actually defended Tobias and his performance this year? We ended the podcast talking about a bunch of silver linings that the Sixers can take from this weird long covid season. Once again sorry for the audio Enjoy!

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