To launch the very first full main episode of THE QUESTION GUYS, Joe risks everything and sings opera in front of thousands, sharing the beauty of the podcast with the world! You might call it Chicken Soup for the Opera Lover's Soul, which makes sense because, according to Cornell, "Operas are just ancient Italian podcasts."

But the real focus for this episode is the question Joe poses to Cornell: How would you help rebuild society if we lost everything?

Cornell's gut reaction: Procreating.

And yes, Cornell will mostly focus on procreating, but when he's not thinking about that, his big hold up is irrigation. Good thing he's not alone and his buddy Joe is there to help him with a pulley system to save Cornell from alligators and help make him shoes. (Trust us, it'll make a lot more sense after you listen.)

TV Talk: Season 3 of Money Heist, Nash Bridges, & the Perry Mason rebootWhat happened to The Oldies? Can you get too old for The Oldies?These are Cornell's common sources:It dawned on me.  (#1 source)He picked up a magazine in a doctor's office one time.He read a book about it.[LATE EDITION] Cornell saw it in a museum one time.The guys consider taking on instructions manuals for a The Question Guys Book Club.Cornell would like to be a Jeopardy question with Trebek as host, but DOES NOT WANT TO BE A CROSSWORD ANSWER.Both Joe & Cornell are ready to be 4th in line in any Broadway musical.Cornell takes on Lin-Manuel Miranda & Hamilton the Musical. (More on this in an upcoming episode.)


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