After binging the first four episodes of FIND A FAN, Cornell shows up with notes for the first time and it pretty much destroys the podcast. There’s a chance Joe may never recover.    

Here are other things we learn this week: 

Joe and Cornell both got A’s in speech class in college. The full name of the podcast is actually: Find a Fan To Make Us Better People Sure, they love the show, but they have some notes and those notes are killing them inside. Joe can’t stop saying, “To be honest,” and Cornell can’t stop saying, “Right.” Cornell compares himself to the best garbage person in the world. Joe accuses Cornell of trying to suck up to him about his theme song in order to win him back. QUESTION: Have Joe & Cornell let their fans down by opening up in this episode about their insecurities? They’re gonna use Chinese Lanterns to burn Cornell’s notes and fans can submit any negative thoughts they want burned.  Cornell feels safe with Joe and that’s why he feels comfortable sharing these thoughts with him. They encourage fans to start a “saliva count.” This is the first episode after having released an episode into the world and REVIEWS ARE IN:Joe’s mom LOVES it. Joe’s dad …. has listened to it. Joe & Cornell are open to officiating weddings as episodes of the podcast. Joe announces he’s back on the sauce – drinking half-caff. Joe gives a big update Eliza Dushku

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